curved polyhedron中文什么意思

发音:   用"curved polyhedron"造句
  • curve:    n. 1.曲线;弯曲;弯曲物。 2. ...
  • polyhedron:    n. (pl. -dra, poly ...
  • curved:    倒弧角,弯曲的; 弧形的; 弄弯的; ...
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  1. Chapter 1 deals with the numerical simulation method . chapter 2 deals with the monte carlo methods . the monte carlo integration that the domain of integration is curved or complex connected curved polyhedron and the integrand has singular points is discussed in this chapter
  2. Where g is the domain of integration that is the curved polyhedron , and x p , where g , g , ( i = 1 , 2 , . . . s ) is the domain of integration that is the curved polyhedron , chapter 3 deals with the computer simulation on the multiple random current and lifo multiple service desks mixed queuing system modles in discrete event system
    G一u乓, ( :一‘ , 2 ,第三章讨论了多随机顾客流且后进先出的先有ul个服务台并联,然后有v个服务台串联,最后有uz个服务台并联的串并联混合和先有vl个服务台串联,然后有u个服务台并联,最后有vz个服务台串联的串并联混合多服务台排队系统模型的计算机模拟


  1. curved plow plate 什么意思
  2. curved plywood 什么意思
  3. curved pocket 什么意思
  4. curved pointed coagulating electrode 什么意思
  5. curved polisher 什么意思
  6. curved portion 什么意思
  7. curved printing plate 什么意思
  8. curved probe 什么意思
  9. curved probe-pointed scalpel 什么意思
  10. curved profile 什么意思


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